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Florida History

Where IT Started

In the late 1940s, the Southeastern Region was revived with the appointment of Soror Matella Maree, Director, to fill the unexpired term of Soror Sadie Watson of Atlanta. The national presidency of Nancy B. Woodridge heralded a new emphasis (1948) of identifying leadership in the states, for the purpose of rendering greater service to individual Zeta chapters in each state.

In Florida, she found Soror Sue Jenkins. Soror Jenkins served as the Associate Director (now known as State Director) of Florida. However, there were no organized meetings of state Zetas and chapters. Informal meetings and gatherings were held at the home of Soror Marian Harris Shannon during sessions of the Florida State Teachers Association. Zetas in attendance would congregate at Marian's to discuss possibilities of a conference to take care of concerns for all chapters in Florida. During one of these tete-a-tetes, on the front porch of Soror Shannon's home, the idea blossomed.

With the appointment of Soror Lucille G. Coleman (1950) as Regional Director, some action took place to present the idea of a state conference to the national level. Prior to this, Soror Coleman had asked Soror Shannon to assist her chapters in Florida. In this position, Soror Shannon was able to make the recommendation to Grand Basileus Wooldridge. The Regional Director was showered with too much work at both the regional and state levels.

The issue of the director within the state of the Regional Director was not realized until the election of Soror Deborah C. Partridge as Grand Basileus in 1955. Soror Grace Walker Phillips was appointed Regional Director and Soror Irene A. Morgan Matthews, Associate Director of Florida. The first organized meeting of Zetas  in the State of Florida was held in Tallahassee, Florida.

Following the 2022 Grand Boule update, which established that State Directors would be elected, the first election for Florida State Director took place in November 2022. Soror Paula A. Kay was elected to the position.

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